5 Detox Water Recipes for Weight Loss

5 Detox Water Recipes for Weight Loss

You already know all about the importance of water. But what if you could add some healthy flavors to your water and replace sodas & energy drinks?

Here are 5 super tasty and refreshing ideas:

Oranges, Lemons, & Limes

Ingredients: 2 orange slices, 2 lemon slices, and 1 lime slice.

Why: High in Vitamin c which results in a stronger immune system.

Lemons & Raspberries

Ingredients: 1/2 lemon (sliced) and 8 raspberries

Why:  Refreshing, healthy, and colorful. Plus, Raspberries boast many nutrients while being low in calories.

Strawberries, Cucumbers, & Mint

Ingredients: 5  sliced strawberries 5 slices of cucumber, and 5 mint leaves

Why: Low in price & Packed with nutrients.

Grapefruit & Cucumber

Ingredients: 1/4 grapefruit (sliced) and 1/2 cucumber (sliced)

Why: Grapefruit is low in Calories, Yet high in nutrients. It also contains a decent amount of fiber — 2 grams in half of a medium-sized fruit and therefore helps with appetite.

Peaches, Plums, & Mint

Ingredients: 1/2 peach (sliced), 1/2 plum (sliced), 7 mint leaves

Why: Packed with Nutrients and antioxidants, refreshing, and healthy.

Bottom Line

Give these a try and enjoy a refreshing morning 🙂

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