The Perfect Post-Workout Meal

The Perfect Post-Workout Meal

The subject of Post-Workout nutrition has a lot of contradictions.

You’ve have been told that post-workout meal is the most important meal of the day, or that אhere’s a one-hour window of opportunity for protein synthesis following a workout, etc..

Now, you are probably asking yourself: “What should I eat after my workout?”, “How much protein and carbs if any”, Or when should I even eat it”? etc..

I know it may sound complicated, but honestly, it’s quite simple. For the post-workout meal, you want to consume a combination of protein and carbs.

let’s break it down in detail:


Protein is the building block that builds our muscles.
When we work out some of the proteins in your muscle also get broken down and damaged- this is why eating an adequate amount of protein after your training, around 30-40 grams of protein will give your body the amino acids it needs to repair, to rebuild and will help maximize your body’s ability to recover after a workout.

Here is a list of different protein sources you can have:
Chicken breast, Canned tuna, Low-fat Greek yogurt, Cottage cheese, Protein powders, Lean ground beef, etc..


Carbohydrates are your body’s main source of energy. They help fuel not only your body but also help fuel your brain, kidneys, heart muscles, and your central nervous system.

Now, when we work out, our muscles use up their glycogen stores as a fuel, and as a result, your muscles being partially depleted of glycogen.

Consuming carbs post-workout will help replenish your glycogen stores and speed your recovery process.

My recommendation is around 0.5 grams of carbs per pound of body weight.

For athletes or someone who trains more than once a day, I would recommend eating more carbs, as soon as they finished their training. (For someone who has 1 -2 rest days between training this becomes less important).

Here is a list of different carb sources you can have:
Sweet potatoes, Oats, Pasta, Rice, Fruits, Quinoa, Whole grain bread, etc..

Bottom Line

In order to properly fuel your body after exercising, consume a combination of protein and carbs, around 30-40 grams of protein, 0.5 grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight, and don’t forget to drink a lot of water – hydration is a priority!

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