5 Healthy Meal Hacks That Help You Lose Weight

5 Healthy Meal Hacks That Will Help You Lose Weight​


Wonder how you could easily save calories with your current meals? Try these 5 hacks that are going to help you through your journey to a toned & athletic body!

The main key here is knowledge and preparation. You have to make it as easy as possible for yourself to consume mostly healthy food and you have to know which foods will help with your satiation levels . These tips will help you.

1. Increase your fiber intake.

Fiber is a carbohydrate found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It can help you feel full without adding extra calories, so you’re not going to eat as much. It also lowers insulin levels, which makes your body less likely to store unwanted fat.

Great examples of high fiber foods are chia seeds, carrots, black beans, lentils, and berries.

2. Double up on vegetables

This is perhaps my favorite hack. Eating vegetables is important because they provide vitamins and minerals and most are low in calories and add a lot of volume to your meals! 

3. Use A Smaller Plate

A combination of over 50 studies found that people ate 30% less and felt as satisfied when they ate food from smaller plates as they did from larger plates.

Another trick you can use is getting brightly colored tableware. This creates a great contrast between the food and the plate and therefore tricks your brain into thinking you eat more food than you actually do.

4. Put Salad Dressing on the Side

We all know that salad is a great nutritious & low-calorie option.  But what about the dressing on top? Most salad dressings are very high in calories. With that said, the problem isn’t usually the dressing itself, but how much is on it.

Therefore, ask for dressing on the side on don’t go overboard. Also, Ask for some olive oil and balsamic instead if possible.

5. Prepare Your Meals in Advance

Sticking to your plans comes to preparation. 

When you come home tired and hungry and did not prepare your meals beforehand, you’re more likely to scarf down a bag of cookies. 

Make it easy for yourself so you don’t have to think about what you’re going to eat and always have the healthier option in hand.

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