Can’t Lose Weight? Here’s What To Do When The Scale Won’t Budge

What To Do When The Scale Won't Budge

You are working hard, dieting like a pro, yet you still wonder where’s the results? Why won’t you progress?

In today’s article, we will go over a few reasons your scale may be stuck and what to do about it.

Let’s begin…

Your Nutrition

You have to make sure you are in a constant caloric deficit. Not only 3 days out of 7.

In addition, Be mindful of sneaky calories. Like salad dressing, Taste-testing as you prepare dinner, grabbing a small donut after lunch, or many high caloric drinks.

Avoid processed, packaged food. Fresh fruit and veggies are healthier, cost less, often contain fewer calories, and are equally convenient. 

Your Training

If you follow me for a while, you already know that high reps and low weight is not the way to go when your goal is to change body composition. You need to improve your strength, not improve your “cardio with weights” skills.

Ask yourself – are you gradually making strength progress? Or do you use the same weight for years? Do you train consistently or only when you feel like it?

Beyond your workout, ensure you are moving your body enough. Take simple measures to increase your steps per day. This improves your health while simultaneously contributing to weight-loss efforts.

If you won’t challenge yourself you won’t make progress.

Your Support

Let your friends, family, and coworkers know about your weight-loss journey. Accountability works! Perhaps start a mini-competition for others also interested in losing pounds. Competition works! Put your ego on the line a little. It won’t be as easy to skip your workout or eat that cheesesteak and fries. It may still happen, but at least you’ll have paused for thought.


In a world increasingly built on instant gratification, we have become conditioned to expect the same from our body and mind. Do not expect overnight results. Humans are complex, complicated beings. It takes time to progress, whether recovering from an injury, healing a broken heart, or losing that darn extra 20 pounds. Perhaps you just haven’t invested enough time.

Hope you learned something new 🙂

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