How To Achieve Your Goals By Simply Focusing On The Basics

How To Achieve Your Goals By Simply Focusing On The Basics


This is one of the most important posts I have ever written – Focusing on the basics.

Most people have an addiction and obsession with advanced things and complexity.

The thing that took me to long to understand is that mastering the basics is more important than advanced strategies and tactics,

And then, stop looking for ways to make everything more complicated then it really is.

Because advanced strategies and magical tactics only get you a minimal edge over the basics.

Why is that?

The basics are what counts for 80-90% of the results you get, While the advanced strategies only account for the latter 20-10% of them.

Not only this “advanced” bullshit is hard to understand and implement, but it also only affects a tiny fraction of your overall results.

If so, then why even bother?

In your fitness journey (and life), there is nothing more important than covering and mastering the basics on a consistent basis, every day.

Here is what I mean by covering the basics:

  • Why bother about all different kinds of supplements before having your training and diet routine perfectly set up?
  • Stop trying to master hardcore calisthenics exercise before you even manage to do 20 strict pull-ups.
  • Best pre-workout? Get yourself to the gym first!

Why you are failing?

If your diet is failing, or you can’t seem to get ahead in and out the gym and get the results that you want it’s not because you lack any special skills or superpowers, I can almost guarantee it’s because you have neglected the fundamentals.

You are not falling behind because you performed 8 reps instead of 6, ate carbs after 8 pm or drank your whole food super shake instead of the special whey protein formula.

You are falling behind because you don’t get proper sleep, you constantly cheat on your diet and you slack off while at the gym!

Proper sleep, Proper Diet, Consistent Training.

These are count for 80% of your results and will determine whether you will achieve the toned & athletic body you are after or not.


I don’t care of you do CrossFit, Calisthenics, 5X5, Or a standard FBW routine.

It doesn’t matter if you follow “No carb”, “High carb”, “Keto”, “Atkins”, “Intermittent Fasting”, etc..- You could have the greatest and most complicated training tricks and systems but if you slack off at the basics you will FAIL.

If there is any missing puzzle piece in your gameplan (whether it may be) you got to make sure it is not one of the fundamentals.

What can I do today to make sure I’m not missing out on any of the basics?


# 1 – Shut out all the advanced stuff and hypes that everyone is talking about.

Let it go. Focus on what works.

You just can’t consume all the information out there and the quicker you will understand this, the better.

# 2 – Pick ONE goal (losing weight, gaining muscle, learning a new skill, etc) and put all your efforts upon achieving it.

# 3 – Make sure you get enough sleep (6-8) hours per night.

Make a commitment to yourself and decide on a fixed sleeping and waking hours.

# 4 – Follow a diet that fits your current needs and goals, and make sure its something you can stick with.

# 5 – Be consistent with your training routine. Pick the one that you like the most (make sure you emphasize heavy lifting and progressive overload) and get to the gym!

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