How To Really Get Rid Of Cellulite

How To Really Get Rid of Cellulite

Stressed over cellulite? You are not alone – More than 85 percent of females older than 21 have cellulite

Cellulite Defenition

Cellulite refers to dimples or other textural changes in skin that develop when fat cells push through the second layer of skin, called the dermis. Cellulite often affects the buttocks, thighs, and abdomen.

Women are affected by cellulite more than men because the distribution of fat, muscle, and connective tissue is different. 

The good news is, there are ways to reduce cellulite – So we can stop obsessing about this minor skin imperfection that has little to nothing to do with how fit or healthy your body is.

How can I get rid of cellulite?

While it may not be possible to completely eliminate cellulite,  lifestyle changes may help reduce its appearance, including:

Regular Strength training

Firming the muscle underneath the cellulite will help smooth the skin’s appearance. Focus on strength-training moves that build up the hamstrings, quads, buttocks, and hips. Aim for training the lower body at least two times a week, increasing the weight over time to challenge your muscles. 

Cardio exercises

Add in a little cardio to your strength training routine to give your body an extra boost and help get rid of cellulite.

We recommend a combination of HIIT, endurance, and low impact cardio will improve circulation & overall health.


Check out our Workout Section for challenging HIIT workouts that will challenge you

A healthy, balanced diet

A balanced diet is not just a great way to shed a few pounds – it also gives you more energy to do what you love, which benefits your mind and body. Enlarged fat cells restrict your blood vessels. As a consequence, the blood flow in your whole body is hampered, your metabolism slows down, and lymph drainage is impaired. This, in turn, makes your skin less elastic and cellulite more visible.

So, what do we do? Boost your metabolism! Reduce fast food consumption, stay hydrated, and build your diet around veggies, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins.

To sum up

 It’s important to realize though, that the appearance of cellulite doesn’t mean that you are overweight, “flabby” or fat, or that you don’t take care of your body. Because some of the factors are out of our control (genetics, for example), it’s important to not be too hard on yourself when it comes to something as annoying but harmless as cellulite.

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